Category: Children’s Spaces

The UK National Curriculum

The 1988 Education Reform Act heralded the introduction of the National Curriculum for all children of compulsory school age.24 The National Curriculum sets out learning objectives and attempts to provide coherence in the teaching of pupils, whilst also clarifying the role of teachers within the classroom. The following four criteria summarize the government’s key ideological […]

Design concept

The design concept is a synthesis of the Design Down parameters, the site, the landscape and the historic precedents. Three ‘use variations’ are embraced by the design concept in order for the school to start with what its users are familiar with and then ‘grow’ into the more innovative learning systems. The three variations are […]

Learning process

The learning process consists of the design for curriculum, instruction and assessment. As learning is viewed as a continuous process, learning inside the school and in the community are valued and closely coordinated. The learning process for the school at Grafarholti includes the following: • Integrate the subjects. • Use individual, small group and large […]


Early in the design process the learning signature is developed. The learning signature focuses on what is special and unique; it becomes the identity of the school. While most school-planning processes include consideration of mission, vision, values and logo, these components are rarely linked together in a compelling and highly meaningful concept for the school. […]