Category: Landscape Design Park

Devonian Gardens

Landscape Design : Janet Rceerftnrg • Аделгіата, Eleven Architects I Location Albffta, Canada I Completion Year: ?007 Our bold conceptual vision for the unique opportunity created in the Devonian Gardens is to abstract the cyclical transference of energy as a spatial concept. Energy, in the form of activity, will function as a powerful cata­lyst for […]

Paris Seoul Park

Landscape Design. Samsung Fvriland Inr. | Location Paris. Prance I Site Area 4,675m’ In Korea, the location of a garden is not limited but it can be set up on outdoor hill, field and mountains as well as the intenor and extenor of a house. So gardening exists in reality inside our daily lives. This […]

Gyeongsangbuk-do Forest Science Museum

landscape • Architecture Oesipn : Sun. in Enoineerino & Architecture I Location : (3yeonosanaouk-do Andonq, Korea I Site Area : 177.542м1 I Architecture Area : 2,952m- ► ► ► Gyeongsangbuk-do Forestry Science Museum was founded, aiming at establishing forestry culture and cre­ating a study arena for the environment through permanent preservation of historical records of […]

Sunyudo Park

Landscape DesiQn : Seo ann Landscape Architects Associates I location Seoul Korea I Site Aroo : 106.378» I Landscape Area 64. Іббп I Orderer Seoul – Si Sunyudo(Sunyu Island) was such a beautiful island that it was named as a peak where Taoist hermits stay to enjoy the scenery. In recent days, the old trace […]

Ulsan Grand Park

landscape Dosion ; S* F8C SK For^si DIvWrtn ♦ Dengslmwon Inc | Construction SK C&C SK Forest DKisio Location : Ulosn Коша і Situ Area 3.663 286c Built Area : 565.603. I Completion Year 1986 2006 Ulsan Grand Park is designed as the multi-park not only to improve the qualities in city environment nnd lives […]

Walker Art Center

landscape Design Michel Desvigns Landscape r HGA Archltectum Cnglnnefina Planning 1 Location ■ Minnesota, USA I Landscape Area. 30.000^ I Completion Year: 2002-2003 The Walker Art Center of Minneapolis is under transformation – some buildings are being removed, the mu­seum is restored. Swiss architects Herzog and De Meuron design its large extension. An important underground […]

Chess Park

Landscape Desrgn • Ню:» Clumen’i Hni« StuUius • Murk Rios Location Culilom it USA | Site Aiea •іівт. ! Photographer ‘ lorn Bonnet The site, sandwiched between two retail stores on Brand Boulevard’s center village, formerly served as a pathway from a city parking garage to a theater and surrounding shops. To transform the rectangular […]

Court Square Press Courtyard court square press emra

Landscape Design ‘ Landwards studio! Location Massachusetts USA I Landscape Area 560m | Completion Year: 2004 The Court Square Press Building garden creates an opportunity to develop a garden as a constructed, post­industrial insertion. Sited on a unique waterfront precinct in Boston. Massachusetts, the surrounding urban context is characterized by new impervious asphalt parking lots, […]

One North Park

Landscape Design : W<4t ft itvm design & landscape лгг. МесЛик • Adrlann Оеще jerry van Eyr> Freek Boorwinkei. Riotte Bosch Marco van do» Piu/rp Eve Rot>oc. i* Jung Yoon Kini Location : Singapore Landscape Area 33,000m’0 parce – 0* 15 Parcels! I Design Year : 200? | Completed Year: ?006lph<ise I) The One-North development […]